How to tame a nervous hamster?

How to tame a nervous hamster?

You can tame a nervous hamster by following these easy methods. A hamster usually gets nervous when he is young, and he also gets nervous if you have recently purchased him. In both conditions, the hamster takes two to three months to adjust to the new environment and with unknown people.

How to tame a nervous hamster? You can tame a nervous hamster by using a plastic tub method, ball method, giving him tasty foods, playing around with him, and by talking with the hamster. It is recommended to make your hamster comfortable with the environment before starting this procedure.

It is easy to tame younger hamsters than older hamsters. Because adult hamsters take more time to tame, but it does not mean that old hamster can not tame.

Taming hamsters are difficult for those people who keep the pet at home for the first time. Most of the hamsters like to live alone and get shy when somebody holds them. They want to play alone, and they stay most of the time in their cage.

The nervous hamster may initially bite when you handle or touch them. But you need to take patience and give them time to beautifully tamed.

How to tame a nervous hamster?

By practicing and patience, your nervous hamsters change into a loving and friendly pet. In this article, we will discuss all the methods to tame nervous hamsters. So if you are worried about their hamsters then after reading this article your problems about taming hamsters will disappear.

It is hard to tame nervous hamsters, but it is possible too. Yes, there are many useful tips and methods to tame nervous hamsters.

Give your hamster a comfortable cage

Your hamster is a cute pet; he loves to live in a perfect cage. It is the first step to tame your hamster is to give him a comfortable cage. He can learn to live with another pet or people. A hamster’s cage should be large and multi-section. So your hamster gets more place to play or run easily in his cage. A cage should be without a roof so he can listen to the voices of the owner and children.

When he gradually knows about the people, then he likes to play and warm up with them. You should place all the things which he required, such as toys, water bottles, and food. In this way, he can get everything, and he can interact or warm-up or used to with the caretaker. Hamsters like to live in a wooden cage.

Keep toys in a cage

When your hamster is busy with his activities, then he becomes active and sharp. It is the best way to eliminate his nervousness. Try to put that type of toy, which helps to interact with other people such as a ball and tub.

Tame nervous hamster with ball method

When your hamster is settled in a new environment, you should start talking and feeding treats.

This can be scary for your hamster at first, but after a while, he can be brave. You have to encourage the hamster to play in this ball. When the hamster in a ball, let him play alone in this ball, and can back to his cage. If they are scared then hamsters can poop a lot.

It is important to gain their trust. When they are used to that ball, then you can sit with them. Now is the time to give treats with your hands once your hamster gets shocked to see your hands. But you need to calm down, and your hamster will run back in the ball.

Let him hide in a ball and gradually repeat this procedure. With time, your hamster concludes that people or hands are not bad. They will start to climb on your hands.

Use plastic tub

In this method, you need a large plastic tub which wall is too high, so the hamster can not climb out. Fill the tub with Megazord or shavings and keep some toys on bedding. This will helps the hamster to feel secure, and he can hide behind the toys.

When you put your hands in the tub, he may be scared and try to hide himself to save from your hands. You should leave your hands in this situation and let him hide or return in his bedding. You should put your hands, again and again, repeat this 3 to 4 times.

At last, he will feel comfortable with your hands. When you try again to pick up a hamster, then he allows you to do it because he feels relaxed with your hands. After a while, he begins to climb in your hand and arm. You should avoid hurry and need the patience to tame hamster.

Give your hamster good food

Food is a basic need of every living thing to live. So your hamster also wants to eat food that he liked. Hamsters eat dried hamster food pellets, vegetables, or fruits too because they are omnivorous. Give your hamster peaches, broccoli, dried cranberries, bananas, and cauliflower.

Avoid giving your hamster acidic and citrus-like orange and lemon. It can disturb the hamster’s stomach. When you are giving food to the hamster, then take care not to push your hands in the cage. You should just put food in the cage and leave your hamster. But with the passing time, you can put your hands in the cage too. Your hamster gradually used to the food giver, and now it’s easy to tame him.

First, you should give some favorite treats with your hands. If the cage has wire, then you should offer gifts by the bars of the cage. And if you do not have a wire cage, then you can put the food inside the cage.

Do not touch the hamster while offering food because he can bite on your hands. Be patient, give time to your hamster to adjust in the cage and with people.

Play with your hamster

Let your hamster play in the open area of your home. Do not bound your hamster just in the cage. You should hide your self when he starts moving or running in the ground because it makes him feel secure. In the first days, he may comfortable playing alone and can be scared of the presence of people.

When he started playing freely on the ground, then you can play with them. You should start playing with their toys because they are used to toys. You should give time to hamster to warm up with you.

When they know that they are comfortable with your presence, then they allow you to play with them. It is the time when you can tame your pet hamster. Let your hamster run or play in the ground; this aids the hamster to see or explore new things. Your hamster can act drunk when he is happy.

Wash your hands

Hamsters have a good sense of smell. So when you pick up a hamster, you should wash your hands with soap that has a beautiful smell. Washing hands will help to feel safe and secure. It can get rid of other animal’s smell like dogs, cats, or other hamsters that unnerve or scare hamsters.

Wash your hands with the soap that has a smell of food which they like but is not good for them. So when you start to pick up hamsters, they do not bite. When you are picking the hamster, then you should wear gloves to get rid of the unwanted smell of hamsters.

Talk with the hamster

Taming nervous hamster is most important because nervous hamster does not eat food regularly. Nervous hamster is scared and frightened every time. Therefore they can not eat and play properly, and this situation can lead to other health problems. You should talk with the hamster to warm up with you.

When he listens to your voice continuously, then he will be used to your presence. Day by day, he begins crawling on your hands and arms. When he is fully satisfied with you, then it is easier for a hamster to play, run, and eat properly. When you come near to the cage, then speak softly or in a soothing voice.

This may help the hamster to recognize your voice. When he starts recognizing your voice, this helps him to fear off. You should come near the hamster when he is in a cage and start speaking gently to a hamster. You should take the lid off so your hamster can hear your voice. You should not speak in a loud voice and avoid sudden movement near the cage.

Hold your hamster softly

when you start handling your hamster, you should hold him softly. When you hold him softly, he knows that you are good for him, and he feels safe. Though he tamed quickly. When your hamster is sleeping or lie, you should not disturb him. If you disturb him during the sleep, he may become irritated or stressed that stir up health problems and illness.

Furthermore, he may bite on your hands. You should begin holding your hamster when he is awake and active and towards the evening. If your hamster even walking in the day, you should not hold him because he may be half asleep.

If your hamster is grooming, eating, hanging out or stretching, do not hold him and leave him alone when you realize that you and your hamster are comfortable with each other and become friends. Then you can lift him out of the cage.

Best time to tame hamster

Hamster is a pet that does not allows you to tame any time. The best or suited time to tame your pet hamster is when he is awake fully. The awake time of the hamster is evening or night.

So you do not try to awake hamsters during the day for taming. It is better to tame him when he is out of his cage or territory.

When he is awake, take the hamster out of his territory, and you have to wait half an hour to tame. Before taming your hamster, you should give time to the hamster to drink, feed, and groom.

Hamsters are active pets and love to explore unfamiliar and new places when you put them into a new cage or new home you need to put your hands quickly in front of the hamster.

Keep one thing in your mind before taming the nervous hamster is to let him adjust in the new environment. When he is comfortable in the cage and place, then you can start taming him. You should spend time around the hamster or its cage.

This helps the hamster used to your existence. When your hamster is comfortable with your presence, and he can drink, eat, and play freely around you. It is the best time to tame him because he is relaxed with you or the place.