Dragging back legs in hamsters can a serious issue. In this article, we have explained 7 main reasons that can make your hamster drag his back legs when walking.
Why is my hamster dragging his back legs? Your hamster can be dragging his back legs because of pain in the knee joint, foot problems, injury to legs, and muscle spasm. It is recommended to visit a hamster Vet if the condition persists.
There are many reasons for the dragging of the leg of the hamster. He can be suffering from a lot of problems. You have to treat the hamster very early when you identify the problem of dragging of the leg. It will not be prolonged if properly treated. The treatment of the dragging of the leg is very easy at the start. It becomes very difficult to treat after it becomes severe.
The reasons for the dragging legs can be very serious. You have to address the reasons for the betterment of your hamster. The hamster will feel healthy after you started the treatment of the leg.
Why is my hamster dragging his back legs?
There can be many reasons for the dragging of the legs. Some reasons are easy to direct. The problem of dragging can arise because of the lack of activity.
You can address this type of secondary issue by doing proper exercise of the body of the hamster. It will save you from the severity of the leg problem. The problem of the leg can also be created due to some big reasons.
The hamster may suffer from any big problem. You have to treat it very early. Some of the reasons for the dragging leg of the hamster are as follows:
Lack of exercise
The problem of the leg can arise due to continuous sitting for a long time. It can freeze the leg muscles and will lead to the problem of dragging when start to walk. The problem of walking is left only for small-time until the muscles active again.
The activeness of the muscles will lead to normalizing the problem of the leg. It will also teach the hamster that movement of muscles is necessary.
The daily exercise will save your hamster from all these problems. The problems of the muscles are very efficiently addressed by the small tasks daily. You have to perform them for the good health of the hamster.
The good health of the hamster will prevent his body from a lot of complaints. The exercise should be a crucial part of the hamster routine.
Exercise has manifold benefits for the hamster body. It will keep the hamster active and fresh. The freshness of the hamster largely depends on these minute points. The hamster will feel good after the peculiar exercise of the day.
Once you tamed him, he will start doing all the stuff by himself. You must have a complete understanding of the different exercises of the hamster.
Any wrongdoing of the exercise can pull the muscles of the hamster also. The hamster has a very fragile body. You ought to take great care while doing exercise. You have to tame the hamster once.
He will start doing it by himself. Other multiple problems of the hamster are solved by this. The working of the liver and stomach is improved by daily exercise.
Pain in the knee joint
The other reason for the dragging of the leg is a pain in the knee joint. You have to identify the particular area of the pain in the knee. Then you have to solve this problem as its severity.
The pain can be severe enough that the hamster may not even able to walk. There can be complicated problems in the knee. It may be misplaced from the joint due to the different movements of the hamster.
The pain in the knee can be caused due to any damage caused by the forced movement of the hamster. The hamster’s knee may hit on any hard surface. There are many other causes of pain in the knee joint. It can be caused due to hundreds of reasons. You cannot concentrate always on the cage of the hamster that what they have done to their knees.
You have to make a daily visit to the cage to save your hamster’s body from many diseases. It will not allow any disease to become severe. You have to focus very much on the hamster’s growth and health.
When you are visiting the cage of the hamster. You have to stay there for a few minutes to focus on every aspect. Your visit in hurry will lead to negligence in many factors.
Broken leg
Another important reason for the hamster dragging his leg can be any breaking of the bone of the leg. It is the most severe case that can occur when you are not in front of the cage. Many factors can lead to the breaking of the bone. Some of them have to control by the owner and others can be taught to the hamster. The hamster will learn these things for his betterment.
The fight between the Roborovski hamsters or with other pets can also lead to a break in the bone of the hamster. You necessitate to keeping them separate in a cage. So that they may not fight while playing and while eating their daily feed.
The fight can be regulated by taking different measures. The standards must be implemented as needed by the body of the hamster. This can also happen if your hamster fall from the height.
The hitting of the leg with any hard surface while playing or in the cage can lead to the breaking of the leg. You have to train your hamster to play with care and do all the work of the daily routine with great care. You should focus on these small things for the proper growth of the hamster. These things mean a lot to the weak and fragile body of the hamster.
The breaking of the leg can be occurred by any act of the owner. Any things can hit on his leg while he is taking a bath by the owner or playing with the owner. The owner needs to follow the prescribed rules while interacting with the hamster.
Your interaction can also lead to a severe problem in the body of the hamster. The hamster has a very sensitive body that can be affected by any small wrongdoing.
Swelling can cause dragging of back legs in hamsters
The swelling of the leg can also make hindrance in the walk of the hamster. It may not support the hamster to walk properly. You have to make sure that the hamster’s leg is not enlarged.
The problem of leg swelling is arisen due to a lot of factors. Reasons are managed by the mutual working of the hamster and its owner. The owner has double responsibility to stay active and also train the hamster to be active.
The activeness in the behavior of the hamster will save him from many diseases. The swelling can be caused due to the bite of a fly. You have to make sure that the betrayed flies should not roam near the cage of the hamster.
Their bite will inject the harmful material in the body of the hamster. This bite will cause pain and swelling on the leg of the hamster.
It is a very important thing that you have to notice for the hamster. Another reason for the swelling of the hamster body is due to carelessness in the diet of the hamster. The hamster needs fresh food. Any rotten fruit contains bacteria and other harmful things that can create swelling on different parts of the hamster body. The body of the hamster is very weak to bear these things.
The problem of the swelling of the limb is enhanced when you have not taken proper care of your hamster. When he remains walking with his swollen leg. The leg problem is enhanced by all these activities. You have to properly focus on these diseases very precisely so that they can be managed at the start. Otherwise, it can permanently damage the leg of your hamster.
Foot problem
The dragging of the leg may due to any problem in the foot of the hamster. The hamster foot may be suffering from any problem. The foot problem may be of any nature such as rashes on the foot of the hamster.
Many problems can arise from the rashes problem of the foot. Rashes can appear on the foot of the hamster due to dirty cage and not proper eating habits of the hamster.
The problem of the foot can arise due to the problem of the diet. Any poisonous diet can react on the body of the hamster. The hamster will not feel better and can cause multiple problems for his health.
The diet of the hamster must be fresh and according to the needs of the hamster. The diet of the hamster must be nutritious and fulfill the requirements of the hamster’s needs.
There is also a problem with the muscles of the foot. The foot muscles may be pulled while jumping inside the cage. The jumping of the hamster must be trained very safely. So that the jumps may not create harm to the body of the hamster. The hamster will gain very benefits from jumping if all things are done securely. Safety should be the priority of the hamster.
Muscles spasm in hamsters
The muscles of the leg are pulled due to multiple reasons. You have to treat the muscle pull problem of the hamster. He may face difficulty in walking due to the problem of the muscle. It should be stretched properly to get rid of many problems. You can treat the problem of the muscle by yourself with the help of small exercises.
The exercise will provide the complete solution of the muscle pull. The problem must be addressed at the start before it becomes severe. You must rush to the doctor. So that he may save the leg from permanent damage.
What to do if your hamster is dragging his back legs?
When you are not treating the broken leg of the hamster. It may lead to cause severe problems that cannot be treated very easily. Then you have to do the proper surgery on the leg of the hamster. The surgery will be very sensitive to the fragile body of the hamster. You have to save your hamster as much as you can. You can use different treatments to do so.
The risks may arise when he continues walking with the dragging leg. You are also not focusing on his leg. After a few months, he will not able to even walk. The damage to the leg is increased.
You must manage all the problems as needed by the hamster. The hamster is very exposed to many diseases. The diseases can affect a lot to the body of the hamster. You should serve fresh food to your hamster so he can get healthy.
The hamster may be walking with the dragging leg due to the pull of muscles and knee joint pain. These are the simple reasons that can be treated very easily by simple steps.
You must follow all the things for the betterment of your hamster. The leg can also be dragged due to the broken leg. The treatment of these problems will take more time.