Why do hamsters like sand baths?

Why do hamsters like sand baths?

Hamsters are always looking for a sand bath. In this article, we have explained the methods and benefits of a sand bath for hamsters.

Why do hamsters like sand baths? Hamsters love to have sand baths. You can give a sand bath to your hamster by filling a bath dish with sand and placing it in the hamster cage. Hamsters will play with the sand, it makes them happy and energetic. It is recommended that your hamster take a sand bath once a week.

A sand bath is a type of bathing in which we use sand instead of water to give a bath to hamsters. Though hamsters are very small animals and water bathing do not effective for them.

Give a bath with water is not recommended for a hamster. Because they are very little and they are susceptible to cold. Water bathing can cause the cold which is not good for their health.

Water bathing is also not good for hamsters because in this way he can lose essential oils and moisture from his fur. These oils are important for the hamster to keep them healthy and fit.

A sand bath is an alternative to the water bath which is used to keep them clean. Giving a hamster water bath may cause health problems such as a wet tail, unitary tract infection, and fungal infection. They also become stressed or irritated.

It works in a way that helps hamsters to keep their fur clean and shiny. It also helps the hamster to prevent smell and grease fur.

This may act to absorb essential oil from the fur and cause dirty. You should change the sand daily from the container because the hamster will use it as a toilet. Hamsters like the sand bath because it is a natural way of bathing and they use it in a wild.

Sand bath and dust bath are quite different and you should never give them a dust bath. Because a dust bath can cause respiratory problems.

Why do hamsters like sand baths?

Hamsters like most sand bath then water bath because they enjoy while bathing. Water bathing causes him to feel stressed. It makes them happy and healthy. It is a great source of entertainment and has to groom purpose hamsters.

They roll around, play, and dig in the sand bath. It is also aiding him to burn their excess energy. Hamsters have a lot of fun during sand bathing. But keep it in your mind that every hamster is different from another.

Hamsters have a distinct personality and maybe your hamster does not like to have a sand bath. It also varies from different types of hamsters. Syrian hamsters seem not to enjoy sand bathing but dwarf hamsters enjoy a lot of sand baths.

Sand bathing is acted in a way that helps the hamster to exercise and make them happy and fit. Because they enjoy or play in the sand that’s why it helps them to stay healthy.

They love sand baths because it helps to make them feel independent. Any person not involved in this bathing may cause them to feel stressed. You can feed dried mangoes to your pet hamster before the bath.

What type of sand is good for hamsters?

Before giving sand bathing you must have to know about the best sand for their bath. It is essential to know about sand because it can cause health issues. Make sure that the sand is neat and clean.

You can also buy sand for pet bathing from pet stores. This sand is available according to the needs of a hamster. There are different type of sand but only a few grains of sand is suitable for hamster bathing.

Chinchilla is one of the best sand which is good for your hamster because it is clean and pure. But chinchilla sand is much expensive to buy. You can also use aquarium sand which is the best substitute for chinchilla sand. This sand is also clean and you can get at a very reasonable cost from a pet store.

You can also buy it online from an aquatic store. This sand is fine for the hamster to dig in or can use toilets. It is not recommended you use a sandbox or beach sand. It is not clean, pure, and may harmful to hamster’s health. Because it may carry dangerous bacterial spores.

You can also use reptile sand instead of chinchilla sand. Reptile is another good alternative to chinchilla sand. But you should be careful before using any type of sand. Always avoid sand which contains calcium because it is dangerous for your pet hamster. You can add few cabbage leaves in the hamster cage. This will make hamsters happy and they enjoy the bath.

Benefits of the sand bath

The tiny particles of sand are abrasive to clean the dirt and grime off from the hamster’s body or fur without using water. Sand helps to absorb oil from his fur.

Make sure that sand is free from dust and it is clean. Because dirty sand does not clean the hamster’s fur and body. Sand provides safe bathing without any risk of health. It helps them to trim their toenail because of scratching. Big nail cause impairs proper mobility and causes discomfort. You can make your hamster wear socks, many pet owners make their hamster’s clothes at home.

This activity will aid in keeping the cage clean from urine. Scratching in sand assists them to remove particles of food, wood shaving, and dirt that can be stuck in their fur or coat. It is significant in the way of fun and cleanliness. It helps hamster to odor-free and get fresh.

You should not let your hamster in the sand for too little or too much. Because too little sand bath dies not to clean him fully and too much sand bathing will dirt the sand with urine or food particles. A hamster may take time to develop an interest in this activity. So you do not need to worry or become discouraged if they do not show any interest.

How to give your hamster a sand bath?

So sand bathing only works when you are using a good way to bath. It is not such a difficult task to give a sand bath to your hamster. Hamster takes bath themselves perfectly but you need just to follow these steps while bathing him.

Take a bath dish or tub

Try to take a big container in which he can roll around. You should clean the bathtub or dish thoroughly. Make sure that bathtub is large enough that the hamster can not climb out. You should take care before using a tub that the bathtub is dry and clean.

Fill the dish with sand

When your dish is fully ready for a bath then you fill the dish with 10 to 12 tablespoon of chinchilla sand and whatever you want. Make sure that sand does not contain dust because it can cause problems in breathing and respiratory problems.

Place the dish in the cage

when you fill the dish with sand then you should put the dish on the corner of the cage. You can also place the dish in which hamsters easily access. You should place the dish in the cage, not in the open area. Because your hamster is used to his cage and it is more convenient for him.

This is the place where your hamster can fully enjoy the sand and it is best for his grooming. Place the sand dish at the corner of the cage will help to prevent the kick and spreading sand in the cage.

When your hamster free from bath then you have to remove the dish from his cage. You can not use this sand again for bathing. Because it is full of germs and viruses that are harmful to your hamster’s health.

You should take care of small things because the hamster is small and pets and easy to die. There is not a specific limit to give a sand bath to your hamster each week. Roborovski hamsters fight when doing this activity.

Are sand baths harmful to hamsters?

There are also risks of sand bathing along with the benefits of the sand bath. It is possible not to face any problem regarding sand baths if you are using the right sand and dish for the bath. But many owners face some health problems.

Sand bathing may cause him to prone to respiratory and nasal infections. It may cause sight and hearing issues of the hamster. Some types of hamsters refuse to take sand bathing.

Some types of hamsters take it as a litter box. Some hamster feels hesitation and scares to the sand bath. They may sick because they do not like to play or rollover in the sand. If they do not like to take a sand bath then you should remove sand from their closure.